Jun 24, 2022
Pilar’s oldest child Ezra walks us through the structure and character rules of Dungeons and Dragons, emphasizing the ways in which it can work as a writing and brainstorming tool for non-D&D storytelling.
Jun 17, 2022
After years of assisting and learning on the job, Naomi Brodkin is a working writer with an episode of Little America coming out soon. She discusses what she’s learned from being on set and in the writers’ room and how her hard work led to the good luck of being involved in the Academy Award winning movie
Jun 10, 2022
Writer Jared Pascoe shares the personal experiences and desire for story that led to his co-founding the Pre-Rainbow Pages aimed at bringing visibility to non-writers guild LGBTQIA+ writers.
Jun 3, 2022
Phil Rosenthal, the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, Somebody Feed Phil and the new podcast Naked Lunch, talks about the ways that specificity contributes to great storytelling.